If you have to stop work due to ill health it can result in a worrying time for many families as debts can mount up quickly. Health insurance can make sure that your income is protected and can also help to pay for unexpected medical bills or provide a lump sum in the event of a critical illness. There is a vast range of health insurance products available and it is worthwhile getting an independent financial adviser to explain the different schemes and advise on the best one to suit you. If you buy a health insurance policy through an independent financial adviser the adviser will organize your payments and make a claim on your behalf when you are ill.
The National Health Service is the envy of the world, but private medical insurance is becoming more and more popular because of the choice and control it offers.
NOTE – Services marked * may not be regulated by the Personal Investment Authority. Services marked ** are not regulated by the Personal Investment Authority. All services are regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
We may be living longer, but we may not necessarily be in good health. At some time in our lives we may need some form of long term care in our own homes or in nursing or residential care. The average cost of care in rest homes is around £300 a week. Nursing homes charge more as they provide a greater degree of clinical care. It may be difficult to meet the costs of care from your income. The state, in certain circumstances, will provide the costs of care.