Medical education is education related to the practice of being a medical practitioner; either the initial training to become a physician (i.e., medical school and internship), or additional training thereafter (e.g., residency and fellowship).


  • Most independent schools have charitable status
  • They are not funded by the state and obtain most of their finances from investments and fees paid by parents
  • They are inspected to make sure acceptable standards of premises, accommodation, staffing and teaching are maintained


  • Most independent schools with day pupils make special transport arrangements for them
  • Boarding schools range from those which are all-boarding, to mainly day schools which offer boarding facilities for a few pupils
  • A number offer weekly boarding where the pupil goes home at weekends

STATE SCHOOLS – England and Wales

  • Community schools – similar to former county schools. The LEA employs the staff, owns the land and buildings and is the admissions authority
  • Foundation schools – land and buildings are owned either by the governing body or by a charitable foundation
  • Voluntary aided – the school’s land and buildings are normally owned by a charitable foundation and the governing body will contribute towards the capital costs of running the school
  • Voluntary controlled – the local education authority is the employer and the admissions authority
  • Special schools – are provided by education authorities for certain children with special educational needs, though the great majority are educated in ordinary schools

STATE SCHOOLS – Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland public education up to higher education level is administered both centrally by the Department of Education and locally in controlled schools by five Education and Library Boards.
Categories of schools include:

  • Controlled schools – come under the control of Education and Library Boards
  • Voluntary maintained schools – mainly under Roman Catholic management
  • Voluntary grammar schools – grant-maintained integrated schools which take Protestant and Roman Catholic pupils

All schools in Northern Ireland are open to pupils of all religions, but most Catholic pupils attend schools under Catholic management and most Protestant children attend controlled schools and non-denominational voluntary grammar schools.


There are 32 local authorities in Scotland responsible for the provision of education. School boards, with elected parent and teacher members, play an important part in the running of state schools.

  • State schools – are maintained and controlled by the local education authority
  • Grant-aided schools – include those for special educational needs
  • Self-governing – are equivalent to English grant-maintained schools


Children under five can attend

  • State nursery schools
  • Nursery classes attached to primary schools
  • Playgroups
  • Privately run nurseries


  • Obtain a prospectus
  • Most schools have open days for prospective parents. But it’s also worthwhile making an appointment to visit on a normal school day
  • Check the curriculum to ensure there’s an adequate range of options for your child
  • Find out about exam results
  • Ask about class sizes – the smaller the class the more individual attention your child will receive
  • If your home is some distance from the school, check what public transport is available


The Office for Standards in Education was set up in 1992 to improve standards of achievement and quality of education. This is done by:

  • Regular independent inspection of schools
  • Public reporting
  • Informed independent advice

OFSTED has to report on:

  • The quality of education provided by schools
  • The educational standards achieved
  • The way in which financial resources are managed
  • The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils